The Global Anti-Corruption Training Platform is a joint project between ROLACC and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) which brings together on one free online portal a range of training and learning resources related to Anti-Corruption. It contains a series of state of the art e-learning courses produced jointly by ROLACC and UNITAR on topics such as ‘Digital Tools for Combating Corruption’, ‘Anti-Corruption and Human Rights’, and ‘Anti-Corruption and Sustainable Development’, as well as hosting a range of UN publications which interested individuals may refer to.

The Platform also encourages achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by providing learning resources which explain how corruption affects each of the SDGs, and provides links to external sources through which individuals may further their knowledge and understanding of these important goals. Many of the learning resources hosted on the Global Anti-Corruption Training Platform are presented in multiple languages alongside English, such as Arabic and Spanish.

All courses are free and offer participants a globally-recognized United Nations Certificate of Completion.